The majority of LPO work is document review and the rest includes patent applications, record management and litigation support. Traditionally, this work is administrative or paralegal in nature, performed by juniors or paralegals and requires little to no legal judgement. The work that Attune does is for the entire value chain of legal solutions from more routine, straight forward work to highly complicated and technical work.



Attune does not believe that the current law firm model works for our clients. We have worked to strip away the unnecessary expenditure of “big law” firms to offer our clients the same quality service at a better value. We provide legal consulting solutions to firms and in-house legal teams but we don’t practice law. Our employees happiness and job satisfaction is a core component of our culture which includes greater work flexibility than a traditional law firm. We believe that happy employees produce higher quality work product and we will not compromise on the quality that we offer to our clients. Where a situation requires the use of a law firm, such as for a litigation matter, we will advise our clients accordingly.